DOCUMENTRequired documents for usage status report
Usage status reports also accepted from September
Usage status reporting includes (1) Creation of usage status report etc. and (2) Account Registration of information is required.
The required documents differ depending on whether you are enrolled in a national school, municipal school, or metropolitan school, and if you are enrolled in a private school.
(1) Usage status report
Those enrolled in national schools, municipal schools, and metropolitan schools
Online users
A-Documents to be submitted
1Usage status report
*Please create by entering from My Page.
If there are any changes, please make the changes from My Page. -
2Report on attendance status, etc. (national, municipal, metropolitan)
You will need to have it filled out by your school.
3Attachment to report on attendance status, etc.
You will need to have the free school you attend fill it out.
1st quarter = April to June 2024
2nd quarter = July to September 2024
3rd quarter = October to December 2024
4th Quarterly = January to March 2025
[Submit only if you have not attended the facility once a month]
4Petition regarding the attendance status of enrolled children under the Tokyo Metropolitan Free School User Support Project Subsidy
B-Required Certificates
Receipt for usage fees for free schools, etc.
*The applicant (subsidy recipient) and the recipient of the receipt and bank account must be the same.
In addition, it is necessary to clearly state the purpose of payment (it must be confirmed that it is for the usage fee (● month) of the free school, etc. of the student applying), the payment destination (free school name), the amount, and the date of payment. It becomes.
[Issuance period of documents showing usage fees (receipts, etc.)]
・As a general rule, dates from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 It is necessary to have something.
・However, if you have paid the usage fee for 2024 in advance between March 1st and March 31st, you will also be eligible for the subsidy.
・If the payment date of the usage fee is after April 1, 2025, the subsidy cannot be paid. -
2Supplementary materials for receipts, etc. (confirmation of usage history of prepaid tickets)
*If you use a prepaid ticket to pay for the free school you attend, please submit it.
By Mail
A-Documents to be submitted
1Usage status report
*If there are any changes, please submit the "Payment Account Transfer Request Form" again.
2Report on attendance status, etc. (national, municipal, metropolitan)
You will need to have it filled out by your school.
3Attachment to report on attendance status, etc.
You will need to have the free school you attend fill it out.
1st quarter = April to June 2024
2nd quarter = July to September 2024
3rd quarter = October to December 2024
4th Quarterly = January to March 2025
[Submit only if you have not attended the facility once a month]
4Petition regarding the attendance status of enrolled children under the Tokyo Metropolitan Free School User Support Project Subsidy
B-Required Certificates
Receipt for usage fees for free schools, etc.
*The applicant (subsidy recipient) and the recipient of the receipt and bank account must be the same.
In addition, it is necessary to clearly state the purpose of payment (it must be confirmed that it is for the usage fee (● month) of the free school, etc. of the student applying), the payment destination (free school name), the amount, and the date of payment. It becomes.
[Issuance period of documents showing usage fees (receipts, etc.)]
・As a general rule, dates from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 It is necessary to have something.
・However, if you have paid the usage fee for 2024 in advance between March 1st and March 31st, you will also be eligible for the subsidy.
・If the payment date of the usage fee is after April 1, 2025, the subsidy cannot be paid.
When submitting by mail, please print out the checklist from the link below and check that you have all the necessary documents.
If necessary, please print out the address sheet, attach it to the back of the envelope, and mail it to the office. -
Those enrolled in private schools
Online users
A-Documents to be submitted
1Usage status report
*Please create by entering from My Page.
If there are any changes, please make the changes from My Page. -
2Report on attendance status, etc. (private)
3Attachment to report on attendance status, etc.
You will need to have the free school you attend fill it out.
1st quarter = April to June 2024
2nd quarter = July to September 2024
3rd quarter = October to December 2024
4th Quarterly = January to March 2025 -
4(Optional format) A monthly certificate issued by the school you are enrolled in that shows your attendance status.
You will need to have it filled out by your school.
*If you can check your school attendance status on a daily basis, you may use the school's preferred format.
[Submit only if you have not attended the facility once a month]
5Petition regarding the attendance status of enrolled children under the Tokyo Metropolitan Free School User Support Project Subsidy
B-Required Certificates
Receipt for usage fees for free schools, etc.
*The applicant (subsidy recipient) and the recipient of the receipt and bank account must be the same.
In addition, it is necessary to clearly state the purpose of payment (it must be confirmed that it is for the usage fee (● month) of the free school, etc. of the student applying), the payment destination (free school name), the amount, and the date of payment. It becomes.
[Issuance period of documents showing usage fees (receipts, etc.)]
・As a general rule, dates from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 It is necessary to have something.
・However, if you have paid the usage fee for 2024 in advance between March 1st and March 31st, you will also be eligible for the subsidy.
・If the payment date of the usage fee is after April 1, 2025, the subsidy cannot be paid. -
2Supplementary materials for receipts, etc. (confirmation of usage history of prepaid tickets)
*If you use a prepaid ticket to pay for the free school you attend, please submit it.
By Mail
A-Documents to be submitted
1Usage status report
*If there are any changes, please submit the "Payment Account Transfer Request Form" again.
2Report on attendance status, etc. (private)
3Attachment to report on attendance status, etc.
You will need to have the free school you attend fill it out.
1st quarter = April to June 2024
2nd quarter = July to September 2024
3rd quarter = October to December 2024
4th Quarterly = January to March 2025 -
4(Optional format) A monthly certificate issued by the school you are enrolled in that shows your attendance status.
You will need to have it filled out by your school.
*If you can check your school attendance status on a daily basis, you may use the school's preferred format.
[Submit only if you have not attended the facility once a month]
5Petition regarding the attendance status of enrolled children under the Tokyo Metropolitan Free School User Support Project Subsidy
B-Required Certificates
Receipt for usage fees for free schools, etc.
*The applicant (subsidy recipient) and the recipient of the receipt and bank account must be the same.
In addition, it is necessary to clearly state the purpose of payment (it must be confirmed that it is for the usage fee (● month) of the free school, etc. of the student applying), the payment destination (free school name), the amount, and the date of payment. It becomes.
[Issuance period of documents showing usage fees (receipts, etc.)]
・As a general rule, dates from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 It is necessary to have something.
・However, if you have paid the usage fee for 2024 in advance between March 1st and March 31st, you will also be eligible for the subsidy.
・If the payment date of the usage fee is after April 1, 2025, the subsidy cannot be paid.
When submitting by mail, please print out the checklist from the link below and check that you have all the necessary documents.
If necessary, please print out the address sheet, attach it to the back of the envelope, and mail it to the office. -
(2) Registration of account information *The account must be in the name of the person receiving the grant (guardian).
How to register account information
Online users
A-Documents to be submitted
1Payment account transfer request form
*Please create by entering from My Page.
If there are any changes, please make the changes from My Page.
B-Required Certificates
Those who understand ① to ⑥ below
① Transfer destination financial institution name
② Head office/branch name
③ Financial institution/branch code
④ Type of Account (something that shows the type of account, such as ordinary or current account.)
⑤ Account number
⑥ What the account holder knows*Copy of your bankbook or cash card,
For online banking, a screenshot of the account number display screen*If you have a credit card integrated cash card, please mask it.
Click here for more information about masking
By Mail
A-Documents to be submitted
1Payment account transfer request form
*If there are any changes, please submit the "Payment Account Transfer Request Form" again.
B-Required Certificates
Those who understand ① to ⑥ below
① Transfer destination financial institution name
② Head office/branch name
③ Financial institution/branch code
④ Type of Account (something that shows the type of account, such as ordinary or current account.)
⑤ Account number
⑥ What the account holder knows*Copy of bankbook or cash card,
For online banking, print account number display screen*If you have a credit card integrated cash card, please mask it.
Click here for more information about masking